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How to Report Contamination Detected in the Soil

Soil can be contaminated by toxins from many different kinds of pollution, such as old gasoline, old paint, mine tailings and dust from heavy industry. Knowing the right government agency in your location to report soil contamination to is an important step in cleaning up the problem. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as local university extension offices can help you detect and report soil contamination.

Things You'll Need

  • Stakes
  • Colored String or Tape
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  1. Reporting

    • 1

      Restrict human and pet traffic to the contaminated area. Place stakes around the circumference of the contaminated ground and use bright tape or string to keep people out.

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      Call your local university extension office or EPA official. Their contact information can be found online or through your municipalities local government office.

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      Show the contaminated area to the extension agent or EPA official. Let them have access to the results of any soil tests that have been done to the contaminated area. Follow any additional instructions they give you to minimize further contamination.