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How to Break Up Clay Ground

For gardeners, clay ground is a rich source of nutrients for plants. The problem with clay soil is that it can be extremely dense. This makes it difficult for water to reach the depths of the soil, thus creating puddles and pools when it rains. Despite its density, clay ground can be broken up so it retains its sturdiness while making it more productive.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Spading fork
  • Rake
  • Topsoil
  • Compost
  • Animal manure (optional)
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      Break up your soil by using a shovel. Clay soil tends to be compact, so using these types of tools will make the next tasks easier.

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      Till the clay ground with a spading fork. Use a rototiller if the ground is especially hard.

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      Rake the ground to break up clay clumps.

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      Amend the clay ground with loose topsoil. Add compost or animal manure to provide plant nutrients.

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      Add sawdust and bark to help improve permeability.

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      Mix all amendments into the soil and rake the ground smooth.