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How to Neutralize Salt in Soil

Salt can enter soil from a surprising number of sources. A main source, and one that causes a great problem for grass along a street, is the use of salt to melt ice and snow. Overly salted soils also occur when too much fertilizer is applied, or when dogs are allowed to urinate on the grass. A concentrated level of salt will kill sensitive grass and damage other plants. There are several ways soil can be treated to help neutralize the salt.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Compost or manure
  • Lime
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      Measure the impacted area with a pH test kit to see how badly the salt has affected the soil. If the pH reading is below 6.0, the soil has too much salt and needs changing. Most grass and other garden plants do best when the pH is between 6.0 and 7.0. If you desire to change the soil pH to neutral, then the reading after correction should be 7.0, which is the balance point between acidic and alkaline.

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      Flush the soil with water for three to four hours over several days, and then remeasure the pH to see if the level has come above 6.0.

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      Mix 1 to 2 lbs. of agriculture lime into the top 12 inches of the soil. Wait two weeks to measure the soil pH balance. If it has come up to the proper level, nothing more needs to be done. Add more lime if the pH is still too low.

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      Add 4 inches of manure or compost to the soil, and dig it into the top 12 inches. Check the pH balance after four weeks to see if it is correct.