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List of Foods That Can Be Composted for Worms

Red wiggler worms turn their bedding and food scraps into a rich compost. Feeding the worms in your worm bed the proper food ensures they remain healthy and that the compost produced is sanitary and healthy for your garden. One pound of worms can eat approximately 1/2 lb. of food daily, which allows you to recycle much of the food waste from your kitchen.
  1. Fruit and Vegetable Scraps

    • Scraps leftover from preparing vegetables make suitable food in a worm bin. Worms devour carrot and potato peelings, vegetable tops, fruit peels and rinds. Supply vegetable scraps regularly. Highly acidic fruit scraps, such as orange and lemon peels, are suitable only in small amounts. The worms may not consume acidic foods as quickly as nonacidic items. Only feed the worms vegetable scraps that don't have grease, butter or dairy-based sauces on them because worms cannot eat these materials.

    Garden Waste

    • Worms consume small amounts of green waste from houseplants or the garden. Pruned green leaves, wilted flowers and pulled weeds provide the worms with ample food. Only feed worms garden waste that hasn't been treated with pesticides or other chemicals, as these chemicals may harm or kill the worms. Do not feed the worms pine, fir and cedar needles, along with grass clippings. Avoid supplying plant matter that contains seeds or insect pests. The seeds may sprout in the compost bin or the pests may invade the bin or your home.

    Bread Scraps

    • Save the heels from bread loaves, bread crust, stale bread slices and old tortillas for the worms. Avoid bread items that contain butter or heavy cream. Worms eat bread in small quantities whether it's soft or dried. Break up the bread into small pieces before adding it to the bin and only add a small amount at a time, otherwise it compacts and the worms can't eat through it as quickly.

    Food Waste

    • Save your coffee grounds and tea leaves for the worm box. Throw the grounds in, filter and all, when you are ready to feed the worms. Remove staples from tea bag before adding them to the bin. Eggshells are another food item that usually ends up in the trash but that worms will eat. Break up the shells before burying them in the worm bedding.


    • Worm bedding consists of shredded newspaper. The worms feed on the newspaper along with the food items added to the bin, turning it all to compost. You can feed the worms small amounts of paper along with their bedding. Avoid paper with waxy or glossy coats or paper with colored ink. Paper food wrapping that didn't hold dairy or meat is suitable as worm food when torn into small strips.