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How to Use Shredded Oak Leaf Mulch for Irish Potatoes

Potatoes are rough, hardy root crops, with single plants producing 2 or more vegetables at a time. These plants grow through frost and demonstrate good hardiness to cool temperatures, but demonstrate sensitivity when it comes to soil, nutrition and moisture. Use organic matter, like leaf mold and mulch, to nourish potato soil and keep it warm and moist.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic compost
  • Garden fork
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      Use leaf mold to amend potato soil for better nutrition and quality. Turn 2 inches of leaf mold and 1 inch of organic compost into the top 6 to 7 inches of natural soil in the potato plot. Looser soil encourages better growth, while rich, slightly acidic soil with organic content limits potato diseases. Organic matter in the soil allows for drainage and moisture retention.

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      Lay 2 inches of leaf mold as mulch over the soil between rows and plantings. Mulch keeps the soil moist and warm during the season and limits weed growth in the plot. Weeds produce competition, which harms potato plant growth and production.

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      Replenish the mulch layer as it breaks down. Potatoes have long growing seasons and require the same level of protection throughout.