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Miracle-Gro for Soil With No Nutrients

Plants require a number of different nutrients to be able to grow. If the soil they are planted in has no nutrients in it, or is missing some of them, plants cannot grow properly. The soil can be enhanced with a good-quality fertilizer, such as Miracle-Gro. Since Miracle-Gro is actually the name of a line of fertilizers, it is important to select one that will supply the missing nutrients to the soil.
  1. Required Nutrients

    • Plants need a combination of 17 nutrients, supplied in the proper amounts, to be able to grow properly. Some of these nutrients, called micronutrients or trace elements, are used in very tiny amounts. These include chlorine, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, iron, manganese, zinc and boron. Plants use another group of elements from the soil in much larger amounts, which is why these are referred to as macronutrients. These elements are potassium, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorous, nitrogen and calcium. Plants also need oxygen, hydrogen and carbon, all three of which are normally supplied by air and water.

    Soil Deficiencies

    • It is unlikely that soil will not contain any nutrients at all, but it is possible that it will be seriously deficient in some of the elements that plants require in order to survive. In that case, it is essential to provide the missing nutrients so the plants can thrive. Failure to give plants all of the essential elements can result in such problems as small and oddly colored leaves, leaves dropping off too soon, yellow leaves or leaves with yellow or brown edges and plants with stunted growth.


    • The Miracle-Gro product line contains different kinds of fertilizers, some for general use and some that are made for certain kinds of plants. In the case of a generalized mineral deficiency, it is best to fertilize heavily with an all-purpose product that will bring the full range of nutrients to the soil. Add a product such as Miracle-Gro Garden Soil to enrich the soil, mixing a 3-inch layer of Miracle-Gro with the top 6 inches of the existing soil to add necessary nutrients. Water using Miracle-Gro liquid all-purpose fertilizer to continually add missing nutrients to the soil and to promote plant growth.


    • It is possible to over-fertilize the soil. Fertilizers should not be added indiscriminately. Excess fertilizer can run off and pollute rivers, streams, lakes and ponds. Always apply Miracle-Gro and other fertilizers according to the package directions. Do not fertilize more often than necessary. Have the soil tested if there are concerns as to its suitability for growing plants.