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Can You Use Miracle-Gro Potting Mix?

Miracle-Gro potting mix is an effective choice for container gardening. Formulated with basic nutrients needed by plants, Miracle-Gro potting mix is typically free of the weed seeds that may exist in bargain and dollar store potting soils and offers specialized blends to suit many needs.
  1. Nutrients

    • Container grown vegetables need a good potting mix.

      Miracle-Gro potting mix includes the basic nutrients needed by growing flowers and vegetable. Nitrogen encourages green foliage growth, phosphorous promotes larger flowers and fruit set and potassium develops a stronger root system. Additional nutrients may be added in the form of liquid or pelleted plant food. Organic matter may be added to the mix for increased nutrient availability for heavy-feeding plants.


    • Miracle-Gro potting mix provides appropriate drainage, keeping roots from sitting in water and rotting. It retains appropriate moisture to keep plants healthy, not drying out as quickly as bargain potting soils. During the hottest days of summer, many containers plants should be watered daily. The company also offers mixtures designed to retain and slowly release water. Additions such as perlite or vermiculite may be included for increased drainage.


    • Miracle-Gro potting mix remains viable during the growing season, continuing to offer nutrients and drainage to your growing plants for six months. For long-term growing, such as houseplants, add plant food according to product instructions and plant needs after six months. The company also offers potting soil formulations for African violets, orchids, and cacti, citrus and succulent plants.