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Can You Plant a Sago Palm in Soilless Potting?

The sago palm is not a palm at all, but a member of an ancient group of plants known as cycads. Common during the earth's Jurassic period, many species face extinction today, according to paleontologists at the University of California at Berkeley. The sago palm is a slow grower. Because of this, larger specimens can be pricey when purchased at a nursery. Although they have specific care needs, those requirements are easy to meet.
  1. Container

    • Sago palms grow more quickly in the ground than they do when grown in pots. They do thrive, however, no matter what environment you choose to grow them. Small sagos thrive in small pots but the ideal pot size for a sago palm is at least 16 inches deep so that the plant's roots have room to grow. Remember that the sago is slow growing so you will rarely need to transplant it.

    Potting Mix

    • Sago palms require, above all else, well-drained soil. Whether in a pot or in the ground, water standing at the plant's roots will kill it. Soilless potting mix is an ideal planting medium. The experts at Jungle Music Palms and Cycads recommend that you make your own mix by combining equal parts of pumice, 1/4-inch orchid bark, coarse sand -- also known as builder's sand -- and coarse, not ground, peat moss. The pumice and bark aid in drainage while the sand slows down the drainage. Add or decrease the ratio of these materials to adjust how quickly your soilless mix drains.


    • Unless you live in an area with extreme heat, give the sago palm full sun. Gardeners in the desert southwest should provide some afternoon shade. Grown indoors, light is more important than temperature. Sagos tolerate temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit, but require a bright area within the home. Watering the sago is a delicate balance between providing enough moisture to keep it alive while avoiding overwatering. Allow the soil to dry out between watering and, when you do water, do so at soil level, not overhead.


    • Soilless potting mixes generally contain no nutrients. Add them to the mix when planting. Microelements, such as iron and manganese are especially important. Add 1 lb. of microelements and 1 lb. of slow release fertilizer per yard of soilless mix. People with small children and pets may want to carefully consider planting the sago palm. All parts of the plant are poisonous and ingestion may cause paralysis or death.