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Do Cedar Chips Change Soil PH?

Soil is a complex matrix of mineral particles, organic matter, microorganisms, water and air. When changes are made to one or more of its components, the soil's pH balance can change. Other materials, including cedar chips, affect soil's makeup at a much lower level than other amendments, such as lime and sulfur, which are normally used to adjust pH levels.
  1. pH Scale and Soil Amendments

    • The pH scale measures soil's acid levels. A rating of 7.0 is neutral. The lower the number, the more acidic the soil; the higher the number, the more basic or alkaline. Some plants, such as rhododendron and azalea, prefer acidic soils. Other plants, such as juniper and lilac, prefer soils that are more basic. Depending upon crop and prevailing soil conditions adjust the garden soil's pH may be needed. These adjustments improve your plants' growth and potential. Lime and sulfur are the main agents used for pH level adjustments. These amendments are capable of moving pH levels up in the case of lime, or down in the case of sulfur, by one point or more. Cedar chips do not adjust pH levels to such an extreme. When combined with other amendments, cedar chips may have an affect.


    • Gardeners use cedar chips as mulch in garden beds as well as around trees or walkways. The sweet-smelling chips help suppress weeds, retain moisture and provide a neat, aesthetically appealing garden atmosphere. When using cedar chips, remember that their slow decomposition rates rob nitrogen from the surrounding soil. This causes plants to run short of this needed nutrient. Nitrogen supports foliar growth, so plants may benefit from an additional nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Use aged or composted cedar chips limits nitrogen loss. Although cedar chips influence nitrogen balances, the overall pH balance is unaffected.

    Neutral pH

    • The removal of nitrogen from the soil does not affect the pH level of the soil but does interfere with the availability and uptake of nutrients. Microorganism activity increases as the chips deteriorate. The chips provide more organic bulk to the surrounding soil. Increases in organic matter, microorganism activity and water retention serve to neutralize soil pH balances.


    • Adding anything to your soil changes its soil's structure and growing environment. Soil is a dynamic medium, and pH levels are affected by many different variables. Cedar chips potentially attract voles and other digging animals. Digging animals leave waste. Waste deposits are highly concentrated organic materials that can adjust the pH within the deposits' limited surrounding area.