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An Annual Rye Grass Cover Crop

Cover crops are an alternative to leaving garden soil bare during the cold season when crops are not growing. Annual rye grass, also called "Italian grass," works well as a cover crop because it grows from fall through winter before dying in the late spring or early summer.
  1. Benefits

    • Annual rye grass prevents weeds and erosion throughout the winter. It adds nutrients to the soil after it dies in the spring, helping spring and summer crops grow better. Annual rye grass also makes a good cattle feed. Cover crops also slow down water runoff and help air and water travel throughout the soil.


    • Cornell University recommends planting annual rye grass in August or September. The rye grass plant material helps improve the soil quality as a mulch in the spring and summer. Annual rye grass usually flowers and then dies back a bit in May or June. To prevent rye grass from re-sprouting, mow it before its seeds fully develop. Purdue University recommends killing rye grass in the spring by tilling the ground or covering it with plastic to smother it. Then, mix the plant matter into the soil with a tiller or plow to add some nutritious organic matter to the soil.

    Growing Conditions

    • Annual rye grass grows best at elevations below 3,000 feet and in areas with over 12 inches of annual rainfall. It tolerates short floods, but not constant flooding. It does not grow well in shade or in soil with a pH above eight or below five. Annual rye grass grows well throughout the U.S., except for some of the warmest southern areas and desert areas.


    • Rye grass gives cattle about 21 percent protein when used for grazing. It has a higher relative feed value than corn or alfalfa. It takes up a large amount of nitrogen from the soil. When it takes up nitrogen, it prevents it from leaching away during rainy weather and eventually returns it to the soil.


    • Plant about 2 ounces of annual rye grass seed for every 100 square feet of garden space. Annual rye grass seeds grow well with a planting depth of 3/4 inch.