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How to Convert a Field Cultivator Into a Soil Finisher

A field cultivator is used after a soil has been plowed or harrowed to break up clods. A soil finisher follows a cultivator and is used to further prepare the soil for planting. A soil finisher reduces the size of soil clods so that seeds have a high percentage of soil contact when they are planted. To reduce the compaction of soil by multiple trips over the field, soil finishers are often attached right behind a field cultivator. This allows the soil to be cultivated and finished in one pass. You can convert your field cultivator into a soil finisher by attaching sections of galvanized fencing behind it. The amount of materials you will need depends on how big your cultivator is.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Galvanized fencing (5-by-8-foot sections)
  • Bolt cutters
  • Steel wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Pliers
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      Cut heavy galvanized fencing to fit the width of your cultivator. The sections will be attached to be dragged horizontally behind the cultivator.

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      Cut sections of steel wire to attach the fencing behind your cultivator. The length of the wire will depend on how far off the ground the cultivator is when in use. For example, if the point of attachment is a foot off the ground when the cultivator is being used, the wire must be longer than 2 feet to form a loop and have some left over for attaching.

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      Fasten the fencing to the back of the cultivator by looping the steel wire around the fencing and back end of the cultivator. Twist the two ends of the wire together at least three times to secure the fencing. Use two or three wire loops per foot of the length of the fencing. For example, if you have an 8-foot section use 24 wire loops.

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      Fold the fencing over the top of the cultivator when in transit. At the field, fold the fencing down behind the cultivator.