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What Can You Do to Get Beautiful Roses?

Roses have been the fascination of gardeners, poets and lovers for centuries, and it's little wonder. Growing in a multitude of shades and emitting a beguiling scent, they are fragrant and beautiful flowers. Gardeners can grow gorgeous roses in their own backyard, pampering their flowers with fertilizer and water while watching out for diseases and pests.
  1. Fertilize With Coffee Grounds

    • Coffee grounds will give rose bushes a dose of nitrogen.

      Roses thrive in soil that contains the proper nutrients, resulting in big, beautiful blossoms. To avoid chemical-laden fertilizers, sprinkle fresh coffee grounds around the base of rose bushes to give them a boost of much-needed nitrogen. Coffee grounds also attract worms, which will aerate, drain and loosen the soil, creating optimal conditions for roses. Ask around at local coffee houses for old grounds, as many shops give them away for free.

    Choose an Ideal Location

    • Roses need lots of sun, so don't plant them in the shade.

      Even a dedicated gardener can't grow beautiful roses without the right conditions, so scour the garden for the best place to plant before picking up a shovel. Roses require six hours of daylight, ideally with some sun, to grow properly, so avoid shaded areas and ensure soil is well drained. Also, research rose varieties to see which are best for your locale climate and select a breed to grow accordingly.

    Water Deeply

    • Water roses with a garden hose, aiming for the roots.

      Roses are thirsty plants and require plenty of water to grow big and beautiful. However, gardeners must take care to water their roses in the proper way to allow the plants to fully benefit from a dose of H2O. Take climate into account when watering, as roses growing in hot places will need more water than those in rainy locales. Water deeply one or two times a week, aiming a garden hose directly at the base of the rose bush to penetrate the grounds and give the roots adequate hydration.

    Protect Roses From Pests and Disease

    • Prevent spreading of disease by pruning rose bushes.

      Many pests and diseases can destroy rose bushes, so gardeners need to take extra care to make sure their plants are safe. To rid rose bushes of spider mites and aphids, spray with soapy water. In the event of black spot, a fungus that appears in the form of dark blotches, prune and dispose of affected leaves to stop the disease and do the same for cankers.