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How to Treat Rose Bushes With Natural Ingredients

Like most plants and bushes, rose bushes can succumb to insects and diseases. While many chemical products treat these rose bush problems, you also have natural alternatives that are usually safer for the environment and pose less risk to you. When using natural ingredients, it's important to follow certain application rules regarding time and outdoor temperature; even natural products can harm plants if used inappropriately.

Things You'll Need

  • Rake
  • Organic horticultural oil
  • Sprayer
  • Water hose
  • Insecticidal soap
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      Rake up all debris around the roses after snow or frost has melted in early spring, but while roses are still dormant and have not yet begun sprouting new growth.

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      Water the roses well, then wait for 24 hours.

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      Spray all rose foliage, and the soil surrounding the roses, with horticultural oil on a morning when the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Fahrenheit and is below 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Cover all plant surfaces completely with the oil to smother any aphids and spider mites, along with other insects that may have survived the winter.

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      Check rose bushes daily for insects. Remove any spider mites and aphids by squirting the plant with water from your garden hose. Remove larger insects by plucking them off and squashing them. In case of severe infestation, spray the bush with insecticidal soap in the morning when the chance of scalding the leaves is less likely.