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Are Coffee Grinds Good for Roses?

In mid-summer, roses make a beautiful addition to the look and smell of a garden. However, roses are also demanding plants. Sunlight and soil can affect the ability to bloom, the color of the flowers and even the size of the buds. Aside from chemicals, there are other, more natural options a gardener can use to improve soil conditions for roses, such as coffee grounds.
  1. Roses

    • With over 100 different species, roses are a common sight in gardens. Their scent and beauty provide enjoyment throughout the long summer days. At the same time, roses require exacting specifications to grow well. Roses need at least six hours of full sun each day to grow and bloom. They also prefer a mildly acidic, moist soil.

    Coffee Grounds

    • 57 million people worldwide drink coffee, at least occasionally. With an average of one tablespoon per cup, household coffeepots can produce 12 tablespoons of grounds per pot brewed. Your local Starbucks can produce between 50 to 100 pounds of grounds, depending on how busy it is and how metropolitan your area is. This produces a lot of waste that could easily be reused.

    Coffee Grounds In Your Garden

    • Because coffee grounds are so high in acidic content, gardeners recommend against placing them straight on the rose plant. The acid could harm the plant rather than enrich the soil. Mix the grounds with other common compost and apply the mixture to your roses. This will raise the pH level of the soil while providing other nutrients and not harm the plants.

    Obtaining Coffee Grounds

    • If you are a coffee drinker, you can use your own home brewed coffee grounds. If not, talk to family and friends and have them set aside their used grounds for you. They can use an empty coffee container to store them until you pick them up. You can also talk to your local Starbucks or coffee house and ask if they would be willing to set aside their used grounds for you once a week. Most places will be more than willing to do so. Once you get your coffee grounds, mix them well into your compost, and apply it to your plants.