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How to Use 30-30-30 Fertilizer for Exhibition Roses

The top exhibition roses differ in varying parts of the country because of climate fluctuations and preferences among the growers. However, they share their need for fertilizer. All roses are heavy feeders. Food with a ratio of 30-30-30 is considered balanced. It has an equal amount of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and will give exhibition roses a boost when they need it. The nitrogen, especially, promotes good stem and foliage growth.

Things You'll Need

  • 30-30-30 fertilizer
  • Metal gardening fork
  • Hose
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      Incorporate the use of 30-30-30 chemical fertilizer three times a year. An application in the spring, a second one at the end of the spring blooming period and a third one in late July will promote new blooms to open. Do not fertilize after August 1, as new growth will occur but won't have time to harden before the cold weather sets in. Time the applications so that one is leading up to rose show season. This will give the roses a shot in the arm when they need it.

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      Calculate the annual amount of needed fertilizer. Exhibition roses need 3 lbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of garden. Because the fertilizer has 30 parts of nitrogen, 10 lbs. of the food per 1,000 square feet of rose garden will be required. If the garden is smaller, use 1 lb. to cover 100 square feet of roses per year.

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      Divide the 1 lb. of fertilizer into threes so that you have enough for the entire year. Spread 1/3 lb. of granular fertilizer around the bottom of each rose plant. Keep the food from touching the stem. Instead, apply it close to the edges of the roots.

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      Loosen the soil slightly with a metal gardening fork. This will help the fertilizer soak into the root zone. Water to at least root level.

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      Use a timed or controlled-release fertilizer as an alternative. The dry food releases its nutrients over time, allowing you to navigate away from having to remember to fertilize three times a year. Apply about 1/2 cup around the base of the show roses in May.