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Do Knock Out Roses Need to Be Mulched?

Roses are avoided by many gardeners who fear the difficulties associated with diseases, insects and water and nutrient deficiencies. The Knock Out family of shrub roses bloom throughout the season and are highly resistant to black spot, rust and powdery mildew -- the three most common rose diseases. A little basic rose care is all that is needed to keep a Knock Out rose blooming beautifully. Proper mulching is a necessary task in maintaining the health and beauty of not just Knock Out, but any rose.
  1. Plant Requirements

    • Like all roses, Knock Out requires consistent moisture to keep roots adequately hydrated and to facilitate the transfer of nutrients from soil to plant structures. In the absence of rain, roses should receive about 1 inch of water a week. Hot weather and low humidity increase the plant's needs for water and direct summer sun can dry exposed soils very quickly.

    Mulch Benefits

    • Mulch serves as insulation against hot weather, keeping rose soils cool and moist, decreasing the need for irrigation. Adequate mulch can also help choke out weeds that compete with rose bushes for sun, water and nutrients. In climates with harsh winters the Conrad Pyle Co., developer of the rose, recommends heavily mulching Knock Out roots against dry winds and the cycle of freezing and thawing soil -- heaving -- that can hurt plant roots.


    • Use the organic mulch of your choice. Pine and hardwood bark mulches are readily available at garden centers in conveniently-sized bags or by the truckload from organic products companies. Many gardeners also like the dark look of bark mulches. Over time, organic mulches decompose and add organic matter to the soil, increasing moisture retention and drainage.


    • Apply about 2 inches of mulch to cover the ground beneath the drip line. While you don't have to pull the mulch away from the canes, don't allow the mulch to pile up around the crown of your Knock Out in order to avoid insect and disease problems. Replenish mulch in fall and spring as needed. Mulched areas serve as convenient watering spots as they catch water without splashing the rose's leaves and evenly distribute it to plant roots.