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Ideas For Landscaping Your Yard With Stones

Landscaping a yard using stones has a number of advantages. Aside from saving water that would otherwise be used to keep the lawn green, landscaping with stones gives you freedom to create a unique look for your yard. When landscaping with stones, it's important to plan ahead and account for certain variables, including the size, texture and type of stone you use. Landscaping your yard with stones can be a lot of work, but it's definitely worth your while. Here are some ideas to help you along.
  1. Stone Furniture

    • Making furniture out of stone is a great landscaping idea for larger yards and garden areas. Although not always the most comfortable, stone furniture can easily withstand the harshest weather and requires little maintenance. Stone furniture is also visually stunning and adds a memorable element to any landscape. Granite and marble are ideal for stone furniture such as chairs and tables, although other types of stone work well for smaller furniture projects around the yard, such as low benches or stools.

    Stone Walls

    • A stone wall is a distinct landscaping element, and one on which you can base many other landscaping features. For example, stone walls work well segregating gardens into distinct sections, adding a level of natural organization to a landscape. Low walls and high walls can function well, depending on the type of landscape you have in mind; higher walls can be used for retaining uneven or unstable areas of earth, while low walls can double as benches. Slate, limestone and other river stones work well for making stone walls.

    Stone Pathways

    • Stone is one of the best materials to use for pathways because it's smooth, heavy and durable. Whether you want to use flagstones, traditional pathways or stepping stones in your landscape, using stone creates an easily visible and walkable path that offers a nice contrast to the rest of the yard. Limestone is a great choice to use for a stone pathway.

    Stone Arbors and Trellises

    • Making arbors or trellises out of stone for plants to grow against and climb on can punctuate your stone landscaping. Since arbors and trellises are not traditionally made out of stone but rather wood or steel, stone versions will stand out and set your landscape apart.