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Hardscape Tips

Landscape is divided up into hardscape and softscape. These areas are defined in terms of drainage. Hardscape is patios, sidewalks, buildings, thick fences, swimming pools, small buildings--places with no exposed earth for drainage. Softscape is those areas like lawn and garden where there is exposed ground to afford drainage. Hardscape is necessary to provide things like vertical walls that do not erode and paths that do not wear down.
  1. Shaping the Grounds

    • Start your hardscaping with grading and contouring. Correct slopes and build up areas that need to be built up. Then install the walls to hold everything in place. Keep in mind that drainage should be away from the house ant that any trees that will be planted must be a distance from fences and walls sufficient to keep the tree roots from damaging the structures. Walls and fences should also allow enough room from existing and proposed buildings to allow lawnmower access.

    Call Before You Dig

    • In every state there is a program called "Call Before You Dig" to let you check before you dig to see if there are any telephone lines, water lines, sewage lines, etc. You can access this free program by calling 811. If you do cut one of these lines without calling, you will definitely incur the wrath of your neighbors and probably incur a fine from the civil authorities, If you are digging to install a fence or wall, plan ahead and bury a PVC "sleeve" in or under your construction so future wires may be run.

    Evolving Paths

    • Some paths are obvious, such as the path from the property entrance to the front door. Some paths are not so obvious. It is often a good idea to leave off building a sidewalk and let people walk over bare ground for a week or two. The trails will show you where the sidewalks should go. There is a similar evolutionary technique for selecting the optimum location for outbuildings. Erect a temporary shed in what looks like a good location and live with it for a week or two. It might turn out that is seriously mars the view or is inconveniently located for any number of reasons that are better to find out about before a permanent building is erected.