Home Garden

How to Move a Large Rock a Couple of Feet

Whether you are moving a large rock 2 feet or 200 hundred feet, one thing is certain: rocks are heavy. If you are moving the rock just a couple of feet, the process requires only one or two good moves with a large pry-bar and a block of wood. Take care to protect your hands and back when moving the rock. Wear gloves and use your legs and abdominal muscles when using the pry-bar.

Things You'll Need

  • Large pry-bar
  • Large wood blocks
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    • 1

      Clear out a section of ground around the base of the rock on the opposite side of the direction in which you need the rock to move.

    • 2

      Place the block of wood next to the cleared section of ground by the rock. Push the pry-bar under the rock and over the wooden block, making sure to push the bar as far under the rock as possible.

    • 3

      Reach up to the top end of the pry-bar and pull down as hard as possible. This pushes the bottom of the pry-bar up, forcing the rock to roll up and away from the pry-bar.

    • 4

      Repeat this process until the rock is moved as far as needed.