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Things Needed for a Zen Garden

Zen gardens rely primarily on rocks and gravel to create a calming environment. The dry-landscape style, also called Karesansui, dates back to 15th century Japan. The gardens were created to help teach the principles of Zen Buddhism and to aid in meditation. Each feature of the garden is carefully chosen for its symbolism. With the right supplies, you can create your own Zen garden on a small deck, vast yard or other area.
  1. Rocks and Gravel

    • Rocks and gravel occupy the majority of a Zen garden. Select a type of gravel that is aesthetically pleasing as well as practical. The gravel should be large enough it does not easily blow away in the wind, but small enough to rake. Use large feature rocks to add height and depth to the landscape. Feature rocks are placed in an asymmetrical pattern in traditional Zen gardens. Choose a stone edging, such as blocks of limestone, to hold the gravel in place and border the garden.

    Contemplative Decorations

    • Zen gardens commonly have stone or wooden lamps. Bridges, stepping stones and pathways are included to allow visitors to get closer to some parts that are surrounded by gravel. The gravel represents water and should not be walked on. Add a stone bench or other sitting area to the garden. Avoid using decorations made of metal, plastic or other synthetic material. Zen gardens rely on natural materials, such as stone and wood, to create a natural environment.


    • Not all Zen gardens include plants. Adding a few plants to your Zen garden creates a softer atmosphere. Bamboo, nandina, flowering cherry, ferns, red-leaf Japanese maple and spreading junipers are popular plant choices for traditional Zen gardens. If you do include plants, they should not dominate the garden. Rocks and gravel should remain the focus.

    Tools and Practical Supplies

    • Place landscape fabric underneath the gravel. A rack is needed to spread the gravel into a pattern that mimics flowing water. Common patterns include diagonal lines, sweeping curves and checkerboards. Use a wheelbarrow to make transporting and arranging the rocks easier. Standard landscaping supplies, such as shovels and spades, are usually needed.