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How to Keep Weeds Out of a Rock Garden With Bushes

Some people like the look of a garden filled with lots of flowers and foliage; others prefer the more austere look of simple rocks and bushes. If you're the second type, take some steps to discourage weeds from growing in between your rocks by setting up a weed barrier ahead of time. If you don't, prepare to do battle with little green shoots throughout the growing season.

Things You'll Need

  • Rake
  • Tiller
  • Work gloves
  • Black plastic or landscaping fabric
  • Scissors
  • Gravel
  • Pruners
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      Rake the rocks out of the way, if you already have a rock garden in place.

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      Till the area, and pull out any weeds that are present in the area -- or simply pull up any weeds you see. Wear gloves, as some weeds can irritate your skin.

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      Lay down black plastic or landscaping fabric before you install the rock garden. Cut slits into the plastic to accommodate the growth of any bushes in the garden or ones that you plan to plant.

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      Choose bushes that have dense foliage, which will block sunlight from penetrating down below. It's also good to choose a bush that is heat-tolerant, since rock gardens tend to get hot. You might choose Japanese boxwood (Buxus microphylla japonica), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 6 through 9, or a clumping "bush" type of bamboo, such as the "Pingwu" (Fargesia robusta) variety, also hardy in zones 6 through 9.

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      Lay down roughly 2 inches of gravel in your rock garden. The rock needs to be relatively thick to discourage weed growth underneath.

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      Prune your bushes in the spring and fall, if they're of a type that requires regular pruning. It might seem counterintuitive at first, but regular pruning will encourage your bushes to maintain a full, dense growth pattern.

