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Landscaping Ideas With Large Rocks

Rocks are a natural part of landscaping. Indeed, you may discover rocks buried beneath the soil when you start to dig in your garden. Rather than getting rid of them, use them to your advantage.
  1. Raised Beds or Walls

    • One way to use rocks is to build raised flower beds or walls out of them. If you have a sloping landscape, terrace the slope by building a series of walls, and plant flowers and small shrubs at the top of each one. Many different types of rocks work well for this purpose. The trick is to balance the size, and use the same type for each wall. Start with the largest rocks, and build around them with smaller ones.


    • A waterfall flowing over and around rocks is a beautiful addition to your landscape. Start at the top of a slope, or manufacture a slope by piling large rocks together. Find or make a place to hide a pump at the bottom where the water collects, and bury a water line that leads back up to the top so the water can flow down into the collection pool. Plant flowers and other plants to add visual appeal and interest.

    Desert Landscape Ideas

    • Large rocks are a good choice in a desert landscape. A single large rock can provide some shade for small plants and will not compete for water or other resources. It can be an attractive focal point, but if you have two large rocks of similar size, they can balance one another on opposite sides of the front door or sidewalk. A series of rocks can march across the front of the property and help define the edge of your yard.

    Sloping Landscape

    • A rock garden is an excellent way to use a sloping area of your yard. Build it in such a way that water drains without collecting unwanted in certain areas. Choose soil that is gritty and filled with smaller rocks and plants that do well in such soil, like geraniums and verbena.