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How Long to Wait to Put Fertilizer Down After Grubex?

If your yard looks more like a battle zone than a putting green, you may have grubs to thank for the destruction. Chomping away at the roots, grubs weaken plants literally from the ground up. These pests are larvae that live underground until they pupate and emerge as beetles and moths. GrubEx is a pesticide that kills grubs, which you apply simultaneously with some fertilizers and separately from others.
  1. Damage Symptoms

    • If your lawn has yellow or brown patches and thin areas, these symptoms may hint at different causes. You may need to fertilize your lawn to supply nutrients that “green up” and fill in these areas. However, pests may be feasting on plant roots, causing similar symptoms. If you notice birds or other creatures digging in your lawn and causing secondary damage, or if you see mole tunnels, it’s likely these predators are there to feast on the grubs.

    Grubs and Other Culprits

    • Beetles and chafers are insects that produce larval grubs as one of their life stages. Each insect type includes different species, such as Japanese beetles and masked chafers. GrubEx pesticide kills not only beetle and chafer grubs, but other pests, such as weevils and caterpillars. Billbugs are weevils that produce legless grub larvae, compared to other grubs that have legs. Sod webworms and armyworms are caterpillar pests of turfgrass. GrubEx controls all these destructive insects with chlorantraniliprole, its active ingredient.

    Combination and Straight Fertilizers

    • Some “weed-and-feed” products include both nutrients and herbicides, so you can fertilize your lawn and kill weeds with one application. “Straight” fertilizers contain only plant nutrients with no chemical weed control ingredients added. If you use a straight fertilizer product, you don’t have to wait to apply it after you treat your lawn with GrubEx. However, if you use a fertilizer blend that includes an herbicide, you must wait at least one week to apply it after using GrubEx, but preferably two weeks.

    GrubEx Solutions

    • You only need to apply GrubEx once a year -- in the spring to late summer -- to target the insect eggs before they hatch. For every 1,000 square feet of lawn, apply 2.87 pounds of GrubEx with a drop or rotary spreader. Because it’s a granular product, the chemicals in GrubEx are activated when you water your lawn after application. Water deeply to a depth of 1 inch instead of sprinkling lightly to release GrubEx’s full potency. As soon as the grass is dry, people and pets may safely walk on it.