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What Is Eating My Banana Tree Roots?

Banana trees are grown for the delicious fruit they bear. These trees are members of the Musaceae family and are fast-growing, vigorous plants. While these herbaceous plants are hardy, they are susceptible to infestations of nematodes that damage the roots and rhizomes of the plant.
  1. Types

    • Burrowing nematodes are damaging pests of a wide variety of fruit trees, including banana trees. Also known by the scientific name Radopholus citrophilus, these microscopic worms burrow beneath the soil and damage the root structure of infested plants. Spiral nematodes are another species of nematode that damages banana trees. These pests are also known as Helicotylenchus multicinctus and damage the fibrous root systems of infested trees.

    Signs and Symptoms

    • Banana trees infested with burrowing nematodes often develop visible symptoms one year after infestation. The symptoms are the result of root destruction. Infested banana trees may appear unhealthy and have reduced vigor. The leaves may be smaller than normal, and fruit production is low. The upper tree canopy may experience dieback and wilt prematurely, especially in drought. Spiral nematodes produce similar symptoms and infested trees may easily topple. Insects and diseases are more likely to attack trees with reduced vigor from nematode infestations.

    Cultural Control

    • Cultural practices may help reduce nematode infestations. Avoid mechanical pruning and tilling the soil to keep the root systems healthy. Water your banana trees frequently for short periods to reduce infestations. Overhead watering is recommended to keep banana trees healthy and preserve the root system. Purchase banana trees that are free from damaging insects and appear vigorous. Inspect the root system of banana trees for nematode damage before purchasing them.

    Chemical Control

    • Soil fumigation is an option for banana trees infested with nematodes. However, fumigation is costly and not generally recommended for home gardeners. To avoid nematode infestations and grow healthy banana trees, purchase insect-free plants and keep them free from drought stress. Applying herbicides will reduce weeds and the likelihood of insect infestations. Keep your garden free of plant debris and leaf litter to prevent insects and fungi from overwintering in your garden.