Home Garden

Little Green Bugs on Hibiscus

Hibiscus plants are tropical bushes known for their large, colorful blossoms that can be eaten or made into teas. Hibiscus plants are easy to grow outdoors during the summer months and indoors all year round, making them a popular choice for home gardeners. Unfortunately, hibiscus plants can be susceptible to pests and diseases like any other plant. Little green bugs that infest hibiscus plants are aphids.
  1. Aphids

    • Aphids are tiny insects that use a proboscis to suck fluids from plant parts, such as leaves and stems. They are a bright green color, providing them with camouflage against healthy plants. Signs of an aphid infestation can include yellowing, curling or dying leaves, lumps on leaves or sticky sap-like secretions on leaves. These secretions are left by the aphids and can later turn black and spotty as they are eaten by mold.


    • Aphids are soft-bodied, which means that most traditional pest removal methods will work to remove them. Insecticidal soap and home remedies of dish soap mixed with water will block the pores they use to breathe and end up suffocating and killing the aphids. In addition, a strong blast with a garden hose will help wash the majority of aphids off of your plants, making a large infestation easier to treat later with pesticides or natural methods.


    • When bringing new plants into your home or planting newly purchased plants in your garden, ensure that you thoroughly check over the plants for aphids before putting them near your other plants. If there are aphids on the plants or signs of an aphid infestation, such as sticky leaves, then the plants should be treated with insecticidal soap before being introduced to your other plants.

    Natural Methods

    • Ladybugs have a voracious appetite and are the top natural predators of aphids in the wild. You can purchase or catch your own ladybugs and release them onto your plants in order to prevent aphid infestations and remove existing aphids. Release ladybugs during the evening and lightly water your plants to discourage them from flying away.