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How to Treat a Yard for Roundworm Infestation

Roundworm eggs are eliminated in animal feces. The eggs take two weeks to develop to an infectious stage, according to Ray M. Kaplan, DVM in MedScape News. Therefore, keeping your yard clean of your dog’s feces is essential to preventing a roundworm infestation. In yards where young children play, it is particularly important to keep the area clear of feces because children tend to handle dirt while playing and then put their hands in their mouths transmitting infected dirt. Cleaning up after your dog is the best means of treating a roundworm infestation, while protecting your pet from roundworm will prevent the problem from occurring in the first place.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel or scoop
  • Plastic bags
  • Tarp
  • Rake
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  1. Treating the Yard

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      Scoop your pet’s feces daily. Use a shovel or scoop. Dispose of the feces in sealed plastic bags. Clean the implements after use. Wash your hands after cleaning up after your pet.

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      Cover sandboxes or play areas with a plastic tarp to protect these areas from contamination from your dog’s feces.

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      Rake debris from shaded areas of the yard. Roundworms are killed by heat and UV exposure. Keeping shaded areas clean, protects these areas where roundworms grow.

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      Remove topsoil in areas of extreme contamination. Alternatives are to cover these areas with concrete or asphalt or to burn the area to kill the parasites. Chemical treatments are not effective in killing roundworm parasites.


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      De-worm puppies on the schedule recommended by your veterinarian to stop or prevent infestation of your pet. Have older pets checked for worms at annual visits. De-worm as indicated. A monthly heartworm preventative also kills roundworms in dogs.

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      Wash children’s hands with soap and warm water after playing with pets or in the yard.

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      Keep your pet away from areas in parks and open spaces where feces is visible.

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      Train your dog to use a designated area of the yard for elimination to control the spread of roundworms.