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How to Kill Pecan Weevil Larvae

The pecan weevil is one of the four main types of pests that are big threats to pecan harvests. Not only do the adult pecan weevils feed on the pecan nuts, but the females weevils also bore holes into the nuts where they lay eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae will feed on the kernel inside the nut, which causes the nuts to drop from the tree prematurely. This can severely limit the amount of edible pecans for harvest, which makes controlling both the larvae and th adult weevils important. The best way to control the larvae is too kill off the adults before they can lay eggs inside the pecan nuts.

Things You'll Need

  • Harvesting sheet (tarp, bed sheets)
  • Sledgehammer, bat or large stick
  • Pesticide labeled for pecan weevils (Sevin, or Carbaryl)
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      Check the amount of adult pecan weevils that are on the pecan tree. Spread a harvesting sheet around the base of the tree in mid-August. You can use a tarp or a bed sheet as a harvesting sheet if you need to.

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      Tap the side of the pecan tree gently, but firmly with a heavy object, such as a sledgehammer, bat, or large stick or log. You want to jar the entire tree so that the adult pecan weevils fall out of the tree and onto the harvesting sheet. Don't hit the tree so hard that you damage it.

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      Examine the harvesting sheet for any adult pecan weevils that have fallen onto it. If you find three or more adults, then they are starting to congregate on your tree to lay eggs. Examine several of the pecan nuts for small holes, which will signify that eggs have been laid inside, and the larvae are feeding on the nut.

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      Treat the pecan tree with pesticide spray. Use a pesticide spray labeled for pecan weevils, such as Sevin or Carbaryl. This will help kill both the larvae and the adult weevils. Repeat the pesticide treatment every 10 to 14 days through late September, for a total of three to five sprayings.

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      Continue jarring the pecan tree and collecting adult weevils on your harvesting sheet every two to three days. This will allow you destroy the adults on the ground, as well as knocking some of the nuts from the tree that were damaged by the larvae before pesticide treatment.