Home Garden

DIY: How to Apply Termiticide

The termite species is over 100 million years old and is still going strong. These small insects can be responsible for damaging and destroying homes, costing homeowners hundreds or thousands of dollars. Termites socialize in large groups or swarms, and each colony has a queen. This queen could lay more than 1,000 eggs everyday. Getting rid of termites and preventing them from coming into the home is very important. If you only have a small infestation or minor termite problem, you can apply termiticide to your home yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Work gloves
  • Shovel
  • Termiticide
  • Cardboard
  • Market
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      Trench a 6-foot-by-6-foot tunnel with a shovel around the perimeter of the home. This should be right next to the foundation. It's important to go all the way around the home, including around the garage and any cutouts. Sheds with slabs that are infested with termites can be trenched also.

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      Put on a pair of plastic or protective work gloves. Read the label on the termiticide carefully. Fill the trench around the home and the back fill dirt with the termiticide as directed. Try to avoid getting the termiticide on your skin, in your eyes, or on on areas with which humans or pets come into contact.

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      Put the backfill dirt you sprayed with termiticide back into the trench with a shovel. Pack the dirt down tightly. Make sure all of your extra dirt is put back into the trench and that the trench is completely filled.

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      Put a few signs in your yard to keep people from walking into the termticide the first couple of days. You don't want people getting it on their skin or shoes and transmitting the chemicals.