Home Garden

Buffering a Noisy Neighbor's Noise in the Backyard

An afternoon of relaxation or contemplation in the backyard can swiftly be ruined by unwanted disturbances from neighbors. These disturbances can range from loud conversations or music to raucous children and barking dogs. Fortunately, there are a number of methods you can employ to blot out the noise without falling out with your neighbors.
  1. Walls and Berms

    • Installing a wall in your garden can help reduce noise levels in your yard. A traditional masonry wall constructed from brick or stone usually makes the best sound insulator due to its density. Berms are raised areas of earth which can help increase privacy and dampen sound coming from neighboring yards. You can even plant a garden on these berms.


    • Wood fencing is moderately effective, the higher and more seemless the better. Some manufacturers also make fences designed from a blend of plastics which are specifically designed to dampen noise.

    Water Features

    • Water features, such as streams or fountains, can’t prevent noise coming from next door, but can effectively cover it up. The sound of falling or trickling water can often be loud enough to disguise music or conversations and restore a blissful atmosphere to your yard.


    • Many firms offer a range of technological products designed to absorb unwanted sounds coming from outdoor spaces. These products include sound generators, which include strategically placed speakers that play natural sounds that mask unwanted noise. Outdoor acoustic panels can also dampen noise.