Home Garden

How to Keep Ants Out With Metal Foundation Guards

Ants are among the most persistent and annoying pests that can get into a home. If the home isn't guarded against infestation, ants often find cracks in the foundation and make their way in during rainstorms. No matter how clean you keep your home, you may find yourself dealing with ants at some point. Some contractors install metal guards underneath the foundation to protect against ant infestations.


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      Check foundations for cracks and other discontinuities. Repair and seal cracks to keep ants out.

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      Install metal barriers underneath the foundation if there are discontinuities in the foundation that you can't fix. For example, if you have planned cracking at joints, install metal underneath the joints so that ants can't slip through the cracks.

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      Put metal barriers between wood and soil. Wood must sit 6 to 18 inches off the soil to avoid exposure to ants and other pests.