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Garlic Oil for Stink Bugs in Gardens

You might worry about caterpillars devouring garden plant leaves, or ants getting into your vegetables before you have a chance to harvest them. Stink bugs usually don't cross your mind. However, stink bugs do invade gardens and feed on plants. They will kill flowers and prevent fruit development in the plants. As an added insult, they are not named stink bugs by accident. Garlic oil is one way to get rid of them naturally.
  1. Identification

    • Stink bugs, which range in color from light green to dark brown, are found throughout the United States. Some feed on smaller bugs, but most suck sap and other juices out of plants. Their chewing leads to issues like pitted fruit or failure of flower buds to mature and develop. Stink bugs target legumes and vegetables, and sometimes climb fruit trees to suck sap out of the leaves. They are not considered hazards for grasses or trees like pines.

    Garlic Oil

    • Garlic oil is a broad-spectrum insect repellent. It's available at natural food stores, or it can be made at home. Mash a bulb of garlic and place it in a glass bowl. Bring a few cups of water to a boil and pour the water over the garlic. Once the mixture cools, pour it into a plastic spray bottle.


    • Lightly spritz the plants you want to protect with the solution, or spray the perimeter of the garden with the solution. Garlic oil is non-toxic, but not very pleasant. Spray it downwind, and keep kids and pets out of the way while you spray. The oil’s scent will fade over time, so reapply the solution every week or so.


    • Garlic oil can also deter beneficial insects such as bees. Apply the solution as lightly as you can, and stop using it as soon as you stop seeing signs of stink bugs. Radishes can also repel stink bugs. Cut up a couple of radishes, stems and all, and add them to the glass bowl with the mashed garlic.