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Troubleshooting Foxtail Palms

The foxtail palm tree, Wodyetia bifurcata, has a slim gray trunk that culminates in a crown of bushy, fishtailing branches covered in long, narrow, feathery leaves. When the foxtail palm fully matures, which generally takes about 12 years, it blooms white flowers that bear reddish-orange fruits. Foxtail palms grow best in tropical and subtropical climates, and are susceptible to many of the same problems as other palm trees.

Things You'll Need

  • Foxtail Palm Tree
  • Fertilizer
  • Systemic Pesticide
  • Copper-based Fungicide
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  1. Determine the Foxtail Palm Problem

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      Look for signs of drought-stress. Foxtail palms exhibit stunted growth and yellowing leaves when they don't receive enough moisture. Despite their deep root system, foxtail palms are only mildly drought-tolerant.

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      Examine the foxtail palm's leaves for signs of nutrient deficiencies. Potassium deficiency causes black or transparent orange to yellow spots as well as dead areas along the edges and tips. Recognize manganese deficiency as yellowing between the leaves' veins. Iron deficiency causes yellowing of the newest leaves. Nitrogen deficiency is rare in foxtail palms, but shows as pale green foliage and stunted growth. Yellow edges on the oldest leaves with a gradual progression to the youngest indicates a magnesium deficiency. Small, crinkled leaves and the trunk growing horizontally suggests a boron deficiency.

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      Identify pest problems. Palm borers damage the foxtail palm tree by tunneling into the trunk and damaging the tree’s vascular system. Look for grayish-brown pin-like objects sticking out from the trunk, or brown sap oozing from the trunk. Also look for dying leaves that indicate a banana moth problem. The larvae hatch inside of natural openings along the stems and bore holes into the foxtail palm where they pupate.

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      Diagnose foxtail palm diseases. Leaf spot is caused by several types of fungi and appears as yellow, gray, brown, black or reddish-brown lesions that may be outlined by a different color. False smut, or graphiola leaf spot, also affects foxtail palm trees, forming small, black bumps over the leaf surfaces.

    Fix the Foxtail Palm Problem

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      Use proper irrigation methods to water the foxtail palm tree. Newly planted foxtail palms need deep, daily watering that keeps the soil surface constantly moist, but not saturated. After the foxtail palm is established and actively growing, water the foxtail palm deeply once a week. Apply mulch around the base, avoiding contact with the trunk, to reduce evaporation.

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      Apply potassium and magnesium simultaneously to avoid an imbalance. Use a high potash fertilizer mixed with pelletized kieserite or two to four pounds of Epsom salts for magnesium. Correct a long-term iron deficiency problems by improving soil aeration, and planting the foxtail palm at the proper plant depth, which puts the top of the root ball even with the ground surface. Using a foliar spray of chelated iron or iron sulfate provides a temporary fix. Fix a nitrogen deficiency by using a slow-release fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content. Fix a boron deficiency by applying two to four ounces of boric acid or sodium borate to each foxtail palm tree. Alternatively, gardeners can use palm tree formulated fertilizers that include all the essential nutrients. Follow the product label for application directions.

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      Use a systemic pesticide to get rid of foxtail palm pests. Chemicals in systemic pesticides are absorbed through the roots and plant tissues so they can control pests that surface pesticides can't.

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      Remove and destroy parts of the foxtail palm tree that are infected with fungal diseases. Apply a copper-based fungicide to the foxtail palm tree to avoid further spread of the disease and as a preventive measure at the start of the next active growing cycle. Also, avoid wetting the palm fronds and improve air circulation. Fertilize the foxtail palm tree to encourage new, healthy growth.