Home Garden

How to Have Less Mosquitoes in Your Yard During Summer

Many people enjoy relaxing in the yard or on the porch on a warm summer evening. However, they don't enjoy the biting of hungry mosquitoes. While you'll never rid yourself of these pests completely, there are several methods you can use to thin the herd, minimize the number of nibbles you receive and reduce the possibility of contracting the potentially deadly West Nile virus.

Things You'll Need

  • Lawnmower
  • Trimmer
  • Citronella candles and torches
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      Keep your lawn mowed and all brush trimmed. Mosquitoes enjoy residing in thick grass and weedy patches, so the fewer there are, the fewer mosquitoes you'll attract to your yard.

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      Eradicate all standing water from your yard. Clean the gutters and ensure that drainpipes drain completely. Change the water in the birdbath every few days. Remove any empty containers where water may pool. Empty kiddie swimming pools and dry them thoroughly after use.

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      Encourage nearby neighbors to eliminate sources that harbor and attract mosquitoes such as those mentioned above. Hold a meeting on the subject or publish in an issue of your homeowner's association newsletter. By reducing the mosquito attractions in your immediate area, you can reduce the number of mosquitoes that find their way to your yard.

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      Burn citronella candles or torches to repel mosquitoes. Obtain several citronella candles or torches and position them around the edge of your deck or patio to reduce the number of mosquitoes in the area for yourself and your guests.