Home Garden

The Best Ways to Get Rid of Ants in the Kitchen

Ants are common household pests that come indoors to search for food and water, making the kitchen a point of infestation. Large numbers of ants can be difficult to control and quickly become a nuisance. Eliminating and controlling ants in your home is best accomplished by sanitation, exclusion and the use of insecticides.
  1. Insect Identification

    • Ants are insects that have three main body parts: the head, the abdomen and the thorax. Some ants have wings. Ants live in colonies containing workers, males and queens. Workers are the most numerous. These sterile females gather food and defend the nest. Males are responsible for reproduction. Queens are responsible for egg laying, with most colonies having one or more queen. Ants make their nests both inside the home and outdoors. Kitchens contain food and water, making them a favorite place for ants to forage and feed.


    • Sanitation is an important aspect of reducing the number of ants in your home. Keeping your kitchen clean and removing bits of food and spills is key to controlling ant infestations. Remove all food debris from your sink as soon as possible, and clean out strainers. Rinsing your food and drink containers before placing them in the trash can help to keep ants at bay, as well. Take out your garbage frequently to eliminate food sources. Avoid leaving your pet's food out at night, and seal all food items with tight-fitting lids. Open containers of food attract ants foraging for food.

      Water leaks are a source of water and draw ants. Be sure that you have no leaking pipes under your kitchen sink or leaking hoses outdoors.


    • Examine your home for points of entry for ants and other insects. Caulk all gaps around window sills or cracks in the walls. Examine your doors and windows for holes where ants can enter, and repair these areas. Install tight-fitting thresholds underneath your doors to keep ants out.

      Clearing all leaf litter and debris from the outside of your home may eliminate hiding places for ants and other insects. Keep wood and stones at least 12 inches away from your home. If you have any trees near your kitchen, monitor them for honeydew-producing pests such as aphids and whiteflies. Ants are drawn to the sweet, sticky honeydew. Be sure that no shrubs or trees are touching your home, allowing ants to gain entry.


    • While indoor ants may be killed with aerosol sprays, it is not an effective means of control over the long term. Ants must be eliminated at the nest for optimal control. If possible, locate the nest outside your home, and apply insecticides such as granular baits or sprays. Spraying an insecticide around doorways, the foundation and around crawl space can provide a protective barrier to keep ants out of your home. According to North Carolina State University, ants are best controlled by applying insecticides in a 2- to 5-foot area on the ground along the foundation of your home, including flower beds and mulched areas. Spray insecticides in a 18- to 24-inch vertical band up the foundation wall for added control.