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How to Get Rid of Insect Plugs in Grass Without Chemicals

A mating plug is a secretion used for the reproduction of certain species in nature, including some insects. If your lawn is infested with insects, chemically rich insecticide can potentially kill the grass and surrounding plants. If you wish to avoid chemicals for the sake of your yard or simply the sake of conscience, you can create a natural insecticide in your kitchen. The result is a non-toxic sprayable solution that will help you reclaim your yard.

Things You'll Need

  • Saucepan
  • Cheese grater
  • Fels-Naptha soap
  • Measuring utensils
  • Plastic spray bottle
  • Vegetable oil
  • Rubbing alcohol
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    • 1

      Boil a quart of water.

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      Add 1 1/2 ounces of Fels-Naptha soap into the boiling water, using the cheese grater. Stir the water with a wooden spoon until dissolved.

    • 3

      Add a tablespoon of the soap concentrate to a plastic spray bottle.

    • 4

      Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a quarter cup of rubbing alcohol to the bottle, then add a quart of water. Mix the solution together.

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      Spray the solution directly at the insects you wish to eliminate. They should die shortly after contact. Repeat as necessary.