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I Have a Skunk Under My Shed

Animals taking up residence where they are not welcome can damage your property and attract other animals, such as a mating partner and cubs or the predators who eat them, which could put you and your family in harm’s way. If you have a skunk under your shed, you can try several methods to get rid of it.
  1. Good Catch

    • If you want to not harm the animal, use cruelty-free traps. Buy your trap online or in a specialty pet store, or inquire at a veterinarian’s office about where to find them, and then follow the manufacturer’s directions. This is a compassionate way to take care of the problem because it allows you to catch the skunk and transport it far from your home. Several websites offer spray-proof skunk traps.

    Toxic Ploy

    • Putting down animal poison is an effective option for getting rid of the skunk; however, it is not a very highly recommended method. The poison will kill whatever ingests it, so it should not be used if you have pet dogs and cats that run free outside. Another drawback is that the skunk could die under the shed, inside the shed or inside the walls, potentially requiring a lot of time, expense and effort to find and remove the body.

    Ward Off

    • Use techniques that will discourage the animal from wanting to return to your shed. Skunks are nocturnal creatures with light-sensitive eyes. Install a floodlight or a motion sensor light to make the space under your shed a less appealing dwelling. The scent of a predator is another repellent; purchase commercially sold wolf, coyote or dog urine, and spray it around. A more simple idea is ammonia-soaked rags. According to the government of Alberta's Agriculture and Rural Development, skunks do not like the smell of ammonia.

    Keep Away

    • Eliminate the skunk’s two main incentives: food and shelter. Carefully observe to find out where its burrow is. Place the peels and rags inside or fill it with dirt or place a large piece of wood over it and weigh it down with heavy rocks. Be careful during the spring, when there might be skunk babies in the burrow. You can avoid giving the skunk food by removing items such as bird feeders, trash and compost piles.