Home Garden

Substances & Supplies to Keep Deer Away

Deer are attracted to many common yard plants, trees and shrubs that are a part of their diet. That makes deer unwelcome guests if you want to protect your landscaping and gardens from damage. Experts recommend a variety of methods for keeping deer away. It's best to employ several and rotate them so the deer do not become resistant to the deterrents.
  1. Avoid Attracting Deer

    • The first line of defense that many experts suggest is to avoid planting flowers, vegetables and other foliage that attract deer. Deer will eat almost any plant if they are hungry enough, but just like people, they have favorites. Plants such as tulips, strawberries, grapes and other fruits and flowers are very attractive to deer. You can minimize the likelihood of attracting deer to your yard by not planting these items. If you want to grow these plants on your property, you will need to discourage deer from approaching them.


    • Tall fences can prevent deer from entering your yard or garden. Fences should be at least 8 feet high so deer can't jump over them. Electric fences are another option. They are most effective when you alert the deer to the fence's presence. You can bait the fence with food or tie brightly colored ribbon or cloth to the wires to encourage the deer to touch the fence. Once deer know the fence is there, they tend to stay away from it.

    Moving Objects

    • Deer may be frightened by objects that move, flash light or make noise. Hang reflective objects such as CDs, tin foil or prisms from trees, fence posts or plant hangers around your yard. Motion-detecting sprinklers can deter deer by spraying water at them when they trigger the sensor. Motion-triggered flood lights may be particularly useful at night.

    Repellant Odors or Tastes

    • Unappealing scents and tastes can discourage deer from entering yards and eating plants. Deer detect predators by scent, so applying a substance such as coyote urine to the perimeter of your lawn can turn deer away. You also can apply hot sauce or other unpalatable liquids directly to plants to discourage deer from eating them. Commercial sprays are sold for this purpose, too. Keep in mind that repellant substances will need to be reapplied every few days or after it rains.