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DIY Mosquito Speaker Kit

Mosquitoes aren't just annoying, their bite can carry diseases including canine heartworm and human malaria. Spray-on mosquito repellants can be effective in keeping mosquitoes at bay, but these products have to be reapplied regularly, can be costly and may contain harmful chemicals. An alternative to chemical repellants is the mosquito box, also known as a mosquito speaker. The device utilizes a sound frequency that naturally repels mosquitoes without causing harm to pets, children or adults.

Things You'll Need

  • Portable digital voice recorder
  • Audio cord
  • Portable computer speakers
  • Mosquito repelling sound wave file
  • Audio editing software
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    • 1

      Download a mosquito repelling .wav file to your computer. Do not convert the file to MP3 or any other format.

    • 2

      Create an infinite sound loop from the sound recording with audio editing software. Remember to save the looped recording in its original .wav format.

    • 3

      Plug the digital voice recorder into the audio out port of your computer, using the audio cord. Load the sound file onto your digital voice recorder.

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      Set the recorder and speakers in an outdoor location where you, friends and family spend time. Face the speakers about 12 inches apart and angled slightly toward each other.

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      Attach the recorder to the speakers using the audio cord. Turn the recorder on and play the mosquito repelling sound. Set the volume to a medium to medium-high level, according to the size of the area.

    • 6

      Adjust the volume and position of the speakers if mosquitoes don't appear to be affected.