Home Garden

Standard Propane Hot Water Heaters

Hot water heaters are a common feature in homes, and these hot-water storage tanks can be powered by electricity or propane gas. Besides the standard hot water heater, homeowners can buy tankless heaters powered by propane. Maintaining your hot water heater can help you cut energy costs, as heating water accounts for 15 percent of a home's energy use.
  1. Identification

    • Standard propane hot water heaters have a reservoir that usually holds 20 to 80 gallons of water. When you turn on your hot water tap, hot water is released from the top of the tank. Cold water enters the tank from the bottom, and a gas burner underneath the tank heats it so you have hot water when you need it, according to the United States Department of Energy.


    • A standard propane hot water heater is powered by propane, so it costs less to run than a standard electric hot water heater. Some propane water heaters have insulated tanks that reduce energy loss.


    • According to the Energy Department, propane hot water heaters can waste energy even when the hot water tap is not running -- a phenomenon known as standby heat loss. If you choose a large or over-sized propane hot water heater, you will likely have higher energy costs from standby heat loss. These larger hot water heaters also cost more than smaller models.


    • Purchasing a tankless hot water heater such as an on-demand hot water heater or a tankless coil hot water heater will cut energy costs from standby heat loss. A high-efficiency Energy Star-rated propane hot water heater will bring more savings than a standard propane hot water heater. High-efficiency models use 10 to 50 percent less energy than standard models. Some less conventional hot water heaters, such as a solar powered hot water heaters, can also save you money. While these types of water heaters are more expensive at purchase, they use less energy than standard storage models.