Home Garden

The Best Mole & Gopher Granule Repellent

Moles and gophers are common pests to lawns and gardens. Several control options are available to reduce or even eliminate their populations in your yard. Granule repellents are among the least effective remedies for controlling moles and gophers. Control is best achieved by trapping or other exclusionary methods.
  1. Mole Repellents

    • Poisons are the only effective granule for mole control.

      For those wishing to use a granular repellent, commercially available granules that contain the active ingredients zinc phosphate or strychnine are recommended by the Washington State University Extension Service. Other effective repellents include materials that are irritating to the skin and/or senses of the mole. These include razor blades, glass and thorns, or compounds such as lye, castor oil and human hair. A single mole can have dozens of tunnels. To effectively repel moles, it is critical to find the active ones. This can be done by tamping the tunnels down. The ones that reappear within 24 to 48 hours are active and are where control measures should be focused.

    Gopher Repellents

    • Gophers can quickly backfill their holes when eluding pursuing predators.

      Gophers can be repelled with the same granules for mole control containing the active ingredients zinc phosphate or strychnine. The University of California lists the use of some plants as gopher repellents such as gopher purge (Euphorbia lathyrus) and castor bean (Ricinus communis) or even garlic as possible but unsubstantiated control measures. Like moles, it is imperative to determine active sites to know where to effectively focus control measures. Gopher tunnels have two or more entrances which must be located. They may also loosely pack soil at the entrances to discourage predation. Only active tunnels need to be treated.

    Other Control Methods

    • A hungry cat can be more effective mole control than most chemical options.

      Some gardeners prefer non-chemical repellent options for gophers and moles. Both mole and gopher tunnels can be flooded to flush out the offending pests. This may need to be done repeatedly if they should re-occupy the same habitat at a later point. Traps for both are deemed the most effective control measures, so long as they are placed in active tunnels. Peppers, such as jalapenos, can be placed near active tunnels to discourage moles and gophers. Cats and dogs can also be effective natural control for many lawn and garden pests.

    Preventative Methods

    • Grubs are a favorite of moles and should be eliminated in the yard to reduce the moles' food supply.

      The best way to control moles and gophers is to exclude them to begin with. Moles are carnivores and eat lawn insects primarily. Remove their food source by treating your lawn regularly with lawn insecticides. Gophers are herbivores. Remove excess vegetation where possible, such as weeds, to reduce the amount of available forage for them. Underground fencing can help prevent both pests in areas that have previously been prone to their presence. Encouraging natural predators such as owls to visit your property can also help to prevent both moles and gophers.