Home Garden

How to Use Vanilla to Repel Gnats

Gnats are often found around fruits, vegetable, garbage cans, standing water and houseplants. These small flying insects can become a nuisance and ruin many outdoor activities. There are various ways to rid yourself of gnats; however, many use chemicals that may be harmful to small animals or food and leave a chemical smell in the air. Using vanilla to repel gnats is effective and leaves a pleasant aroma.

Things You'll Need

  • Vanilla extract or essential oil
  • Bowl or cup
  • Water
  • Spray bottle
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Wax
  • Jar
  • Wick
  • Glue
  • Thermometer
  • Double boiler
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      Rub vanilla extract or essential oil around the rim of your hat to keep gnats away from your body. The vanilla will keep the gnats away from your face as you work outside. The vanilla does need to be applied each day you need coverage.

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      Pour 3 to 4 teaspoons of vanilla in a cup or bowl and place the container close to any fruit or vegetables that are sitting outside. This works well for picnics and barbecues. If the table is longer than 6 feet, use multiple vanilla containers to protect the entire table.

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      Create a mix of 2 cups of water, one squirt of dish soap and 2 tablespoons of vanilla and pour the mix into a spray bottle. Shake the bottle five to 10 times to mix the solution and spray the ground around vegetation, tables, pools or any areas that may be attracting gnats. Create a mixture without the dish soap to spray directly on to vegetables or fruit plants. During dry seasons spray all areas every two to three weeks. During a rainy season, spray every week to two weeks or after heavy showers.

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      Make vanilla candles to place around the yard to repel gnats. Wash and dry your jars and remove any debris left on the jar. Add water to the bottom of the double boiler, put the top pan of the boiler on top and place it on the stove on high heat. Glue the wicks to the center of the bottom of the jar. Test the temperature of the water and add the wax in the top pan when the water reaches 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Stir the wax occasionally. Add six to seven drops of vanilla into the wax when the wax is melted completely. Stir the vanilla into the wax. Remove the top pot and fill the jars with wax. Leave a half inch of the wick exposed at the top of the candle. Allow the candle to cool.