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Keeping Animals Away From Peaches

Peach trees bloom in the late-spring and early-summer, and the fruit is ready for picking around June or July. You might have grabbed your pail and slipped on a pair of gloves to pluck ripe peaches from the tree, only to learn the birds, deer, squirrels and other unwanted critters have turned this year’s crop into an inedible mess. Avoid this scenario by protecting your peach trees, and the vulnerable fruit, from being stolen away by animals.

Things You'll Need

  • Fence
  • Plastic netting
  • Decoy owl
  • Thin metal sheeting
  • Small clamp
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Thiram squirrel deterrent
  • Aluminum foil
  • Sharp scissors
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    • 1

      Install a fence around the trees that is at least 8 feet tall and constructed from a sturdy material, such as wood or metal or woven wire. The fence must be tall enough to deter the deer from jumping over it.

    • 2

      Cover the trees with plastic netting. The netting deters birds and squirrels from reaching the fruit, as it becomes exhausting and unproductive for the animals to gnaw or attempt to eat the fruit through the netting, according to the University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources.

    • 3

      Install a decoy owl in or near the tree. Choose a model that features a bobbling head or some other form of movement. The owl deters both birds and squirrels from entering the tree.

    • 4

      Wrap the trunk of the tree with thin metal sheeting. Starting at the ground, wrap the sheeting around the tree approximately 4 to 5 feet up the trunk. Once complete, secure the metal sheet to itself with a small clamp. For added protection, cover the metal with petroleum jelly or another slippery substance. The slippery metal makes it difficult for squirrels and other small animals to climb the tree.

    • 5

      Spread seeds, nuts or other food on the ground near the tree. The squirrels will consume this ground-level, easily accessible food source instead of attempting to consume the peaches, which are more difficult to attain.

    • 6

      Apply a squirrel deterrent to the trees that contains the active ingredient Thiram according to the package directions. The product deters squirrels and other small animals from consuming the fruit and the tree’s bark.

    • 7

      Cut 2- to 3-foot chunks of aluminum foil with sharp scissors. Tie the aluminum foil around a few tree branches that allow the strips to sway in the wind. The noise and reflection caused by the aluminum foil moving in the breeze keeps unwanted birds away.