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How to Stop Erosion Resulting From Sump Pump Discharge

Sump pumps serve a valuable purpose when they remove water from in or near a home or other structure and redistribute this water a safe distance from the structure. In most situations, the sump pump must discharge within the landscape rather than into municipal lines, as this would overwhelm the sewer system. Excessive or continuous discharge from a sump pump could potentially lead to erosion at and around the discharge site. Certain steps may be taken to eliminate or minimize erosion from a sump pump discharge.

Things You'll Need

  • Flexible sump pump hose
  • Excavating tools
  • Rain barrel
  • Splash pad or small concrete flow channel
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      Attach a flexible sump pump hose to the discharge pipe and direct the discharge to areas of the landscape that could benefit from the irrigation. Perforated flexible piping or hose is able to distribute the discharge more evenly throughout the landscape.

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      Make sure the sump pump is discharging water onto grass or landscaping, not vulnerable bare or patchy soil and that the discharge site is located on a minimally sloped site.

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      Direct discharge to a rain garden or dry well located a suitable distance away from and down-slope from the home and other structures. Rain gardens are portions of the landscape designed to collect and retain excess landscape water by making use of certain mediums and water-tolerant vegetation. Dry wells are perforated chambers installed underground in gravelly pits to dissipate runoff.

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      Install a rain barrel to collect the discharge. Rain barrels will collect water that can later be used for irrigating plants, washing vehicles and other applications while adding interest to the overall landscape.

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      Install a small concrete flow channel or solid splash pad or block at the discharge site.

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      Consider burying the discharge pipe. This could be a practical option if the hose maintains a positive slope and drains to an area of the landscape that can handle the discharge.