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How to Get Rid of Snails on Cucumbers

Snails come out at night to feed on tender leaves and plant stems. You may never see the pests unless you visit your garden after the sun goes down, but their shiny slime trails are visible in the light of morning. Snail and slug damage looks similar and the pests require the same control methods. Begin implementing a snail management plan at the first symptoms of an infestation so they don't have a chance to destroy your cucumber crop.

Things You'll Need

  • Board
  • Wood ashes
  • Slug and snail traps
  • Jar
  • Beer
  • Slug and snail bait
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      Clear out weeds and debris from around and inside the cucumber bed. Move fallen branches and large rocks near the cucumber plants. Snails hide beneath these materials during the day.

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      Trap snails by laying a flat board on the ground near the cucumber bed. Slide two 1-inch diameter sticks beneath the board to elevate it slightly off the ground. Lift the board each morning and remove the accumulated snails. Crush and dispose of them.

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      Create an abrasive barrier around the garden. Snails avoid crawling over highly abrasive materials. A 3-inch wide band of wood ashes works well until it becomes damp.

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      Place slug and snail traps around badly infested cucumber plants. Use purchased traps or make your own by filling a 3-inch deep container with beer. Bury the container so the rim is even with the soil surface. Replenish the beer bait in the container every few days and dispose of the trapped snails daily.

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      Apply a commercial snail and slug bait containing metaldehyde or iron phosphate. Cover the cucumber bed area with a sprinkling of the bait, following the package application instructions and precautions.