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How to Kill Paper Mulberries With Roundup

Paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) can be controlled using Roundup containing 41.0 percent glyphosate or higher. The hack-and-squirt method allows the herbicide to be absorbed into the trees vascular system and transported to the roots where it kills the tree. The best time to perform this method is in the summer after all new leaf growth has ceased and the tree is sending more fluids to its roots. Paper mulberry grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 6 to 10 and is considered an invasive in many states.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves
  • Tape measure
  • Hand ax
  • Roundup Pro containing 41.0 percent glyphosate, or higher, active ingredient
  • One-fourth teaspoon measuring spoon
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  1. Hack-and-Squirt Method

    • 1

      In summer, after all new leaf growth has appeared, measure tree trunk diameter about 4 feet from the ground. Divide this number by 2. This is the number of cuts to be made around the tree. For example, if the diameter is 10 inches you will make five cuts around the tree trunk.

    • 2

      Chop through the bark using a hand ax into the sapwood. Cut 1/2 to 1 inch deep into the sapwood. Cuts should be made below all branches on the tree and at a downward angle to create a cupping effect to catch the Roundup. Cuts only need to be large enough to hold 1/4 teaspoon of liquid. The sapwood is the soft layer immediately below the bark that contains the vascular system.

    • 3

      Continue making downward cuts evenly spaced, in a single ring, around the circumference of the tree until the desired number is reached. Ensure the incisions breech the sapwood so the Roundup will absorb into it and be carried to the roots.

    • 4

      Fill each cut with 1/4 teaspoon of concentrated Roundup by pouring it into the incision. Roundup should be applied within 15 minutes of making cuts. Use caution not to spill the herbicide on desirable plants or grass below the tree.

    • 5

      Look for leaves to turn brown and begin to drop within a few weeks. This means the tree is dying. This method has been found to be very effective so one application should be enough. If no effects are seen within one month repeat application.