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Pre-Emergent vs. Post-Emergent Fluroxypyr

Fluroxypyr is a relatively new herbicide used to eliminate weeds in food crops, pastures, on roadsides and other non-crop areas such as lawns and golf courses. The chemical is a post-emergent herbicide that is absorbed into the target weeds, circulating through the plant's system to disrupt growth. Weeds usually die within 3 to 5 weeks of treatment. Fluroxypyr is not generally used as a pre-emergent herbicide, though it can be effective on some weeds that persist during winter, when most weeds are dormant.
  1. When to Use

    • Fluroxypyr herbicides are most effective on weeds that have already sprouted and are actively growing. Many weeds are most susceptible while still young and small. Some established weeds, including woody types that have defied death for more than one season, may also be killed by fluroxypyr, though more than one application may be needed.

    Mixing Herbicide

    • Concentrated herbicides with fluroxypyr as the only active ingredient may be mixed at the rate of 1/4 to 1/2 ounce per 1.5 gallons of water. If needed, spray again four weeks after the initial treatment. The herbicide should not be sprayed more than twice per year, though spot treatments may be made at any time. When using a concentrated form of fluroxypyr already mixed with other herbicides such as dicamba or 2,4-D, use 0.75 to 1.1 fluid ounces in 1/2 to 5 1/2 gallons of water to treat up to 1,000 square feet of lawn.

      Spraying should be limited to no more than two applications per year and no more than a total of 7.5 pints of herbicide per acre of lawn annually. Spot treatments of individual weeds may be made any time. Agitate the herbicide mixture frequently while spraying.

    Applying Herbicides

    • To treat the entire lawn, it is best to go to the farthest edge and begin spraying, working your way backwards to avoid having to walk through freshly treated areas. Adjust the spray nozzle for a coarse enough spray to keep the herbicide from turning into a mist that can easily drift through the air and injure nearby desirable vegetation. Thoroughly spray weeds to the point of runoff, but do not let the herbicide trickle over to ponds, streams or other bodies of water.

    Caution and Precaution

    • You should wear protective clothing when applying chemicals like fluroxypyr , such as long pants and long sleeves, gloves and protective eyewear. If the chemical gets on your skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Keep children and pets out of the treated area until the chemical is dry.

      Fluroxypyr is toxic to some species of aquatic wildlife. Make sure the herbicide does not run off in or drift to streams, ponds or other water bodies. It is best to spray on windless days. While safe for most lawn grass species, it's best to check the product label to be sure the herbicide is suitable for your lawn. Follow label instructions carefully.