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How to Build a Wood Saw

Wood saws have been a staple in human civilization for centuries. The ability to cut wood and use it for applications ranging from better homes to comfortable furniture was a significant advancement for mankind. Being able to create things from wood first requires building a saw. Advances in technology has made this a much easier task than when the first saw was created.

Things You'll Need

  • 4-by-6-by-1 inch block of wood
  • 8-by-18-by-1/8 inch sheet of tin
  • Drill press
  • Jigsaw
  • Acetylene torch
  • Rivet gun
  • Tin snips
  • Marker
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    • 1

      Draw a pattern of your saw handle onto the block of wood. This should include a hole large enough for your hand to fit through. Leave room for 1 inch of the saw blade to slide into the end of the handle.

    • 2

      Cut out the handle with a jigsaw using the template. Sand all edges to smooth and prevent splintering.

    • 3

      Saw through the edge of the handle where the blade will nestle inside using the jigsaw. This cut should be 1 inch deep.

    • 4

      Drill a hole into the handle 1 inch from the top of the handle and 1 inch from the bottom of the handle using the drill press. Drill through the slit created for the blade.

    • 5

      Draw the pattern of the blade onto 1/8-inch tin. It should be between 18 and 24 inches long with a straight top and sides. The bottom will be serrated with three teeth per inch. Each tooth should be 1/4 to 1/2 inch tall; make them all uniform.

    • 6

      Cut out the straight sides of the tin with the torch. Also cut across the serrated edge, but go straight across the bottom of the teeth; the torch will not be accurate enough to cut out each tooth.

    • 7

      Wait 15 minutes for the metal to cool. To see if it has cooled sprinkle water on it; if it flashes to steam it is still hot.

    • 8

      Cut out each tooth of the saw blade with tin snips.

    • 9

      Place the blade into the slit in the handle and rivet it through the two holes. Place the pop rivet into the head of the rivet gun, place the gun up against the holes and pull the trigger.