Home Garden

Why Use a Lawn Roller?

Building and keeping a great lawn can be an challenging task. While the perfect yard is elusive, tools like lawn rollers can help you along your way. These rolling cylinders which look like a handheld steamroller can play a vital role in building a lawn that is the envy of your neighborhood.
  1. Basic Idea

    • Lawn rollers exert just enough force on the ground beneath them to level out unsightly bumps and depressions in your lawn. You can do this on a natural lawn without damaging the grass itself or after rolling up the turf of a synthetic lawn to even out more dramatic bumps and depressions.


    • You should roll your lawn every few years and anytime you notice the appearance of uneven areas in the yard. With a synthetic lawn, you should roll up the turf and roll the area beneath before hand but with natural lawns, you can simply roll the lawn directly.


    • Lawn rollers are also helping when preparing to add fresh seeds to the lawn. Before seeding, roll the lawn and rake away any dead grass. Spread the seeds, water generously and roll the lawn once again. As always, you should seed in spring and during pleasant weather to ensure proper grass growth.


    • To clear out especially large depressions and bulges, you will need to dig out a trench around the rolling area for the displaced dirt to enter.

    Buy or Rent

    • If you think a lawn roller may be of benefit, you will need to decide whether to buy or rent one from your local hardware store. Good lawn rollers can be expensive, particularly for a tool that generally will only be needed once every few years. Renting can be cheaper upfront, especially if you are uncertain how much a roller will help the appearance of your lawn, but costs may add up as the years go by.