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Wind Turbine Power Issues

Wind turbines generate electricity when the wind turns the propeller blades of the turbines and an electrical grid system converts the energy into electricity. Several problems can arise when operating a wind turbine system; these problems can be caused by maintenance and cleaning issues as well as technical issues. In order to operate a cost-effective wind turbine system, it is important to avoid common wind turbine problems.
  1. Starting Problems

    • Starting up wind turbines is a difficult process. Since wind turbines are all wired together to a grid, they need to be started together. Starting the wind turbines requires a large amount of energy to begin the initial rotation of the blade. Using this amount of power all at once can cause brownouts and power surges for the first few weeks of turbine usage. Additional wiring and grid problems can prevent a smooth start to the turbines. Most modern wind turbines use a soft start, which reduces the opening surge of power, helping to prevent electrical problems.

    Cleaning Problems

    • The most common wind turbine maintenance problem is caused by irregular cleaning of the wind turbine motor and blades. Because the blades and motor are located high up in the air and are regularly exposed to the elements, they are commonly subject to dust and dirt deposits. If dust and dirt accumulate on the blades and motor casing, they can slow down the rotation of the blades, making them less efficient. Regular cleaning of the wind turbine blades, motor and body helps to prevent this common problem.

    Technical Problems

    • Despite their appearance, wind turbines are complicated machines with many electrical parts. Any one of these parts could stop functioning, causing the wind turbine to stop rotating or to reduce performance and produce energy inefficiently. A common technical problem is wire shortage in the predictive blade sensors, which help the blades move with the wind. Additionally, gear boxes commonly stop functioning due to contaminants or a lack of lubrication. Semiannual preventative maintenance evaluations can help prevent these problems. Maintenance includes lubricating the gear boxes and cleaning them of debris and checking the wiring of the blade sensors.

    Environmental Issues

    • While wind turbines help reduce dependency on oil and coal energy sources, they can also cause environmental and health problems. Wind turbines, especially large-scale turbines, require large areas of cleared lands. Often, these areas are clear cut or deforested to make way for the turbines, which can cause erosion, negative shifts in ecosystems and the loss of natural habitats for local animals. Additionally, the spinning of the blades can kill birds as they fly. Though steps have been taken to reduce the noise produced by wind turbines, this noise can cause headaches and sleeplessness in nearby residents.