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The Craftsman Snowblower Won't Go Into Gear

With snow piled up on your driveway, the last thing you need is for your Craftsman snowblower not to go into gear. Your Craftsman snowblower may have a simple problem that could be adjusted at home with some basic troubleshooting. A screw could be loose, the gear shaft may need oiling or a belt could have slipped off. The Craftsman snowblower product manual and Craftsman experts on ManageMyLife.com offer a variety of tips that can help you solve the problem.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Wrench
  • Motor oil, any grade
  • Ruler
  • Replacement belts
  • Fresh gasoline
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      Inspect the screws and nuts on your Craftsman snowblower. Tighten loose screws or nuts. Open the rear panel if any screws are missing to see if one has fallen into the compartment. Replace any missing or damaged screws or nuts.

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      Remove the bottom skid plate by unscrewing the bolts. Locate the gear shaft. Oil the gear shaft with several drops of motor oil until it is well lubricated, but stop before the oil starts dripping off. Replace the skid plate and attempt to put the Craftsman snowblower in gear.

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      Empty the fuel tank by removing the fuel line and draining. Remove the spark plug wire. Take the belt cover off and unscrew the bolts securing the motor mount frame. Check the traction drive belt located inside to determine if it is damaged or has slipped off. Replace, if necessary.

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      Inspect the auger belt while the belt cover remains off. Ask another person to engage the auger drive while you take a ruler and measure the space from the belt guide to the auger belt. Unscrew the bolt on the belt guide if the space is more than 1/8 inch. Adjust the belt guide to 1/8 inch, then tighten the bolt to secure. Replace the belt if it is worn.

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      Replace the belt cover when finished. Reconnect the spark plug wire and refill the fuel tank with fresh gasoline. Contact a certified technician if troubleshooting fails to resolve the problem and the Craftsman snowblower still doesn't go into gear.